Upstate-Mountain Region Meeting
Proven Strategies to Optimize
Your Recruitment and Retention Efforts
Monday, October 1, 2018
The Cliffs Valley
250 Knightsridge Rd.
Travelers Rest, SC 29690
Program Speaker:
Mr. Steve Graves, Founder & President, Creative Golf Marketing
Program Summary:
Steve Graves, in his role of President of Creative Golf Marketing, has successfully performed marketing consultations for over 1,100 private clubs. Mr. Graves will share what he has found to be the “Best Practices” when it comes to recruiting and retaining private club members. Additionally, he will share strategies to optimize the efforts and the role of a Membership Director as it also pertains to the recruitment and retention of members. Mr. Graves will offer a complimentary Board Retreat ($5,000 value) as a drawing at the end of his session.
Program Schedule:
8:30 am Arrival and Introductions
9:00 am Education Session
12:30 pm Lunch
Program Fee:
$20 includes All Materials, Lunch and Beverages
(Name, Email, and Phone) Call or Email: Cliffs Valley Concierge 864.660.1100 or [email protected]
Registration deadline:
Friday, September 28, 2018 at 5:00pm.
Business casual, golf attire is acceptable should you decide to play after the session
Golf Optional:
Tee times to follow meeting & lunch. Please RSVP for golf when you register.