Carolinas Chapter Webinar

Event Date:

Event Time:
11:00 am

Chapter Events

Virtual Event Series 

Carolinas Chapter CMAA Webinar


 Emergency Management

& Staff Training for Covid-19

at your Club



Thursday, June 11, 2020

11:00 am

Outline of Presentation:

1. Objectives of Webinar

  • Covid 19 Protocols for Emergency Management
  • Covid 19 Training for Employees
  • Develop Role of Medical / Health & Safety Committee

2. Managing Club Emergencies during Covid 19

  • Best Practices / Structuring Staff Response
  • Covid 19 Protocols for Emergencies
  • 2 + 1 Rule 

3. Medical Emergencies at the Club

  • CPR/AED Covid 19 Protocols
  • Remote Staff training and certification
  • Medical Equipment Stations
  • Team PPE for First Aid
  • Post Emergency procedures

4. Health and Safety of Employees

  • Covid 19 Safety Mandates
  • Changes in Employer Responsibilities
  • Risks to Employees & how to protect them
  • CDC Guidelines / OSHA Mandates
    Pre-work screenings / Best Practices

5. Covid 19 Training - What is it?

  • Requirements ?
  • Training Content
  • Taking the long view on safety

Patrick Roselli, President / Susan Anderson, Senior Safety Consultant

Please see registration link in June 10 afternoon eblast.


ClubSafe is a valued SPONSOR of the
Carolinas Chapter CMAA.
THANK YOU for offering this webinar for our Members!